Tuesday, March 4, 2014

WOW-ONE Feenix Server

I see a lot of people saying you should not play on a private server . Many people , many reasons.
Bad scripting , bad community, no battlegrounds , no world pvp , etc

Let me share with you my experience with the Feenix server .
I started playing on this server with all this in mind . it will be a private server with bugs and downtimes etc.
Nothing could prepare me for what was going to happen.
So , here goes.
I was making my way up to rank 14 , High Warlord for the Horde.
If you don`t know , that involves a lot of time. Farming honor. Until rank 10 you farm alone if you are not in the PVE business.
After that , you can get in some premades , some bad some good , some will dodge other premades , some wont. This was back in 2011 before they introduced Naxx , now it is a different story with the r10 items.

Anyway , i was farming honor , i got to r13 , started my own premade to get to r14.
Funny thing happens. Alliance premade can`t steamroll our premade anymore . I dont say we win all the time, but they can`t farm honor anymore , they actually have to spend one hour or more in one WSG.
So this being a private server , there are some bugs you can exploit. One of them was charging over the tunnel, you would drop inside it.
So the alliance druid flag carrier would always stay there and charge.
I made a post on the forum , because he was breaking the server rules . Like any player would do.
Now this is what i did not expect.
I got an answer saying i`m provoking an exploit , and i should stop doing it.
In other words , i was not allowed to go after the EFC , because he would charge me and drop inside the tunnel and it was my fault .
I replied of course , that this is not reasonable and if the gamemasters of the server are playing alliance they should not take sides.
The answer i got , was , take a break or i will make you take one.
This was in my last week before R14.
I did not shut up or took a break , and i said it is not acceptable , he should not threaten me with banning me ingame for posting on the forum . Since i did not break any of the server rules , even if i post lies on the forum , i should be banned from the forum not the game.

But , private servers. I got banned instantly from the game , with no explanation , the thread from the forum was removed and i could not post anymore.
So. I invested a lot of time to get to r14 . and i got banned 2-3 days before honor reset so i could not turn in my marks and keep the standing one necessary. For posting on the forums.
Thank you Wow-one Feenix staff.

Years passed and i missed vanilla so i made a post on the forum to reactivate old character.
I got many people asking me , "wow , a random r13 ?" :why didnt u go for r14" etc .
I told some people the story and they were like " what did you do about it ? " or " do something about it"

I`m making this post . I don't want to post it on their forum because if the staff has not changed it will probably never be published , or maybe i will get banned again.

So , i`m not saying "Don't play on private servers" . I`m just saying expect more then bad scripting.